I had often wondered what it would be like to have a lift in the house. Being able to heavy boxes and small pieces of furniture upstairs. Allowing my friend who is in a wheelchair to get to the library upstairs.
This year I found myself inheriting one when I moved house. It is a Pollock lift, through a floor similar to the one shown below. Pollock were very helpful and came to service it and make sure it was working correctly. Its remote controls were no longer working well and a mirror from inside the cab was strangely missing. Pollock arranged to replace them. The swiftness with which they arrived was also excellent.
There are many reasons why you may want or need a lift, mobility problems being the main one. A lift can make a world of difference in enabling you to use your whole house and not be limited to lower floors.
The lift I have is nearly 10 years old but still going strong.

In the pursuit of creating a more accessible and environmentally conscious living environment, Pollock Lifts has emerged as a pioneer in the field of home mobility solutions. Since 1983, the company has been at the forefront of lift access solutions, understanding the unique challenges faced by individuals with mobility issues. With a dedicated support team available 24/7, customers can trust that their needs will be met promptly and efficiently.