There is nothing like Adobe product, we have been using them for over 20 years. At least there wasn’t until now. Many people have been let down by Adobe Muse  with all its limitations and problems. Finding a comparable product was hard. Till now.  Along comes Xara with its Designer Pro X and small price tag so you can once again create fast, good looking sites.

Xara is releasing version 16 (v16) of their award-winning program Designer Pro X. With this release comes a range of new and cutting-edge features that ensures Xara continues to stand out in the market as the perfect alternative to the Adobe Creative Cloud.

Designer Pro X offers a powerful all-in-one creative platform that fulfills all major design requirements professional designers would ever need including graphic design, photo editing,

website design and document creation. Designer Pro X comes with an easy to use UI, a superior graphics rendering engine and an unrivaled WYSIWYG web builder. Designers can let their creativity flow with unparalleled vector power and pixel-perfect control in a multi-page environment.

Designer Pro X v16 release introduces exciting new features into the market, through Color Palette from Photo, a feature that gives designers the ability to easily achieve color consistency by automatically creating a color palette from any photo or logo and applying that palette across designs or documents. Other additions include enhanced SmartShape designs and controls, such as Pie Charts and Arrows, providing designers with the robust and visual components they need to make their designs stand out.

v16 also includes significant enhancements to the already powerful PDF editing function, improved PDF im/export capabilities, and new text controls such as widow & orphan support and OpenType improvements.

“We’re especially excited about the new ‘color palette from photo’ feature, which automates an otherwise tedious manual process for professional designers, auto matching their document colors to those of the main photo. And the intelligent hue and brightness adjustments ensure the results are fantastic! In combination with our auto page resize feature it makes Designer Pro the most productive creative tool on the market.”

“We’ve also found some new ways to make our ultra-easy to edit ‘Smart Shapes’ even more flexible, including pie charts, arrows and tables. And for the typography purists the key update will surely be enhanced Open Type support – ligatures, stylistic sets and alternates.” says Charles Moir, CTO, Xara.

Xara Designer Pro X is built upon providing designers with a superior experience through ultra-fast graphics rendering, non-destructive photo editing, responsive mobile editing and powerful smart components to maximize efficiency while offering an outstanding price-performance ratio.

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